OnyxCeph³™ 3.2.105 Build 248 – Sambesi
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Released: 22-05-2018 12:29 CET
Changes in this build
- #3948 BracketLib: Checkbox [Update available] (red) lists updated online items
- #4230 Module Aligner 3D: Attachment placement and stripping for progress steps corrected
- #4263 Module TADmatch: Forestadent OrthoEasy PAL added
- #4408 FTP -Communication optional SSL/TLS protocol (FTPS / FTPES) (DSGVO)
- #4429 Export3D: Automatic panel collapse can be avoided by pin button
- #4572 Module Add Image 3D: DICOM Import 3D: new button “Mirror (Z)” in window “Grey value adjustment” added
- #4572 Module Add Image 3D: Multipage DICOM files -Dateien (Romexis) now read correctly
- #4577 3D-Web-Viewer: Export modified, Animation and customization options can be pre-defined
- #4755 Module V.T.O.3D, Waefer 3D: Tracing for selected analysis can be displayed
- #4786 All 3D Modules: Save request only displayed in case of changes
- #4795 Module Wire_Bonding: Slot length used to calculate bending position on wire
- #4797 Module Individua: Can now be launched with segmented data set
- #4799 Module V.T.O.3D: Time line sliding accelerated
- #4801 Module V.T.O.3D: Vertex positions are kept for already stripped crowns
- #4804 OnyxReport: Patient comments reactivated
- #4805 Module Sim3D:animation shows segment clip planes now
- #4808 Module Add Image 3D: Digora image list displayed correctly again
- #4810 System Options: Auto incrementing patient ID not longer limited
- #4812 New Command Line parameters -username and -password
- #4813 Patient list: Automatic search field switching for numerical inputs now optionally
- #4818 Module Aligner 3D: Name and comment optionally available for stages (e.g., for Animation)
- #4820 Changes on patient, image and project data are now completely logged (DSGVO)
- #4821 All 3D Modules: Save request for findings and projects updated
- #4824 Menu option [Send to | Copy Link] generates HTTP- or command line address for images and projects
- #4827 Capital and small patient ID notation ignored by container import by default
- #4831 3D Export: “Space holder %J” used for “Jaw” in Default Export path
- #4833 INI: Several program settings can be installed by the local INI file or by patch
- #4845 Open project corrected on tab |Images|