OnyxCeph³™ 3.2.97 Build 225 – Mackenzie
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Released: 16-01-2018 11:39 CET
Changes in this build
- #1302 System Options: File Mask introduced on all sub tabs on tab |Third party Tools|
- #1454 System Options: New string makro Trim to edit folders and file names
- #3008 Module Add Image: Import of large image files: Data can be optionally be copied to a local temp location
- #3538 OnyxServer: Option Network Speed Measurement added to hidden right click main menu
- #3596 Modules Segmentation: Gingiva landmark reviewed, now placed acc. to Schuhmacher
- #3896 System Options: OpenTechDental-Scanner: Branding used for all windows (ScanWay)
- #4059 Modules V.T.O.3D: If display switched to malocclusion in timeline, no stripping is applied
- #4290 Modules V.T.O.3D, Aligner: Column header in tooth movement table is transparent for teeth w/o movement
- #4450 Several 3D modules: Wheel navigator shows displacement/rotation values
- #4491 OnyxCeph: Program version OnyxCeph³™is displayed correctly in main window name
- #4538 Module V.T.O.3D: Monson globe calculation updated on moving Monson curve landmarks also in 3D views
- #4540 OnyxRegister, OnyxClientSetup, OnyxClientUpd: OnK file data taken over by execution
- #4547 Module CA-Smart: Placement of FA landmarks restricted to corresponding crown like in other 3D modules
- #4565 Modules Digitize 3D, V.T.O.3D: Radius of the Monson globe not longer fixed to limits
- #4569 System Options: CEREC Ortho import interface added
- #4593 OnyxServer: Capacity and location of temp storage can be configured in INI
- #4596 3D-Mouse: Performance optimized for translation and rotation
- #4597 Several 3D modules: 3D views keep position exactly on horizontal mouse movements
- #4598 Module FA_Bonding: No access violation on module launch
- #4599 Module V.T.O.3D: New option added for vertical adjustment of teeth (Leveling)
- #4603 OnyxServer: Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) supported by OnyxDBServer
- #4604 OnyxSync: Patient data w/o images/findings included in synchronization run
- #4606 Modules V.T.O.3D, Aligner: Option Crown shape added to icon menu crown coloring
- #4614 Module BondingTrays: Mode Combine (Sleeve & Kylix) added for bracket clamping in tray
- #4618 System Options: HTTP request of patient information not longer blocking program
- #4620 Module Segmentation: Crown border detection in step Segmentieren improved
- #4620 Module Segmentation: Contact reconstruction and recognition/assessment of gaps improved
- #4621 Tab Images: New option for inverse session order on tab |Images|
- #4624 OnyxCeph: Option to reposition windows accidentally located outside display
- #4625 OnyxStat: Timeout problem for filtering data fixed
- #4627 Module Segmentation: Table to display gaps added
- #4631 Module Add Image 3D: Metric of i-CAT DICOM (single file mode) correctly read
- #4638 Module Add Image 2D: Missing thumbnail issue in panel source fixed
- #4639 OnyxCeph: Links for OnyxCeph Wiki and OnyxCeph Homepage added on tab |Online|
- #4641 OnyxReport: Measuring option fixed, display adjusted
- #4656 OnyxCeph: Storage management for complex 3D calculations optimized
- #4656 Module Add Image 3D: Option for high resolution volume data, surface extraction optimized
- #4659 Module FA_Bonding:Bracket placement bug on reloading projects fixed
- #4667 Module V.T.O.3D: Tracing options reviewed and visualisation improved
- #4672 Modules V.T.O.3D, Aligner 3D: Movement maxima marked bold in movement table
- #4672 Module Aligner 3D: Option to copy strip values between stages added
- #4672 Module Aligner 3D: Progress refinement accepts planning findings