OnyxCeph³™ 3.2.40 Build 82 – Lawrence
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Released: 30-11-2015 10:05 CET
Changes in this build
- #2983 Module Add Image 3D: Interface for i/o scanner 3M True Definition activated
- #3421 OnyxPrePrint reviewed to become more stable
- #3428 Module Add Image 3D: Import of OBJ files: handling of texture corrected
- #3432 Module Segmentation: Exception handling improved
- #3502 Module Wire_Bonding: Export of bracket slot midpoints supported
- #3528 Client Configuration: Global posting for INI settings introduced
- #3532 Module Add Image 3D: Algorithm zu close holes reviewed to generate more accurate meshes
- #3537 Module CA-Smart: Button for [Load]/[Save] bracket groups deactivated
- #3539 Module Segmentation: Giniva separation improved
- #3540 VDDS: OnyxCeph reactivated as VDDS IMS
- #3541 Module Adjust Image 3D: repair and modification optiions keep textures and vertex colors
- #3542 Module Digitize 3D: New entry for formated text added for result export
- #3548 Module Waefer Creation 3D, Bonding Trays 3D, Retainer 3D, Splint 3D: Project management added
- #3551 FTP Upload button [Onyx Online] provided by default
- #3553 Print: Empty print page on label printer selection corrected
- #3555 Module Aligner 3D: Stripping for multi selected crowns corrected regardig checkbox [offset]
- #3559 Module Add Image 3D: OCXD import improved
- #3561 Full screen parallel: adjusted after switching multi panel views
- #3562 VDDS: Field for social ensurance number added
- #3564 Print: Moving 3D print elements in print form editor reviewed
- #3566 Module Cast Adjust: Vertex color after while adding a base tray
- #3568 Functionality of colorized vertices and vertex textures adjusted
- #3569 Module Add Image 3D: Initial orientation of OCXD objects corrected
- #3576 Tab Presentation|Media: Adding images from the Onyx database to media tree reactivated
- #3577 Tab Images: To speed up the image load process, shared image folder enabled as alternative to TCP/IP transfer
- #3580 3D Export: New export formats provided (e.g. PLY, OFF, DXF)
- #3580 Modul Aligner 3D: Saving/export requires manual step modification
- #3583 Modul Aligner 3D: Distance colorization reset on [play]
- #3584 FTP link for container download copied to clipboard