OnyxCeph³™ 3.2.33 Build 63 – Dirac
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Released: 27-08-2015 13:44 CET
Changes in this build
- #1259 Registration: EULA updated
- #2865 Image Import: Direct import from digital cameras modified
- #2865 Image Import: New import source type `portable devices’ (digital cameras, mobile phones, USB sticks etc.)
- #3023 Segmentation: Alternative/manual selection of tooth templates enabled
- #3076 DICOM CD/DVD can be saved in ISO format and launched via ‘Virtual Rom Drive’
- #3195 Image Import: Sidexis OCXD Import activated
- #3265 Attribute list added in patient list – column attributes
- #3311 Treatment simulation: Stomion problem in soft tissue simulation corrected
- #3371 Full screen 3D: Only visible objects included in export
- #3379 Segmentation: Reconstruction of hybrid crowns improved
- #3403 V.T.O.3D: Inital 3rd order Bezier curve adjustment
- #3403 V.T.O.3D: Malocclusion/Wala adjustment optimized
- #3409 Image Import: Switching to most topic session
- #3411 Program switching by Sidexis mailslot activated
- #3417 All 3D Views: Planes are rendered with transparency
- #3417 Wire_Bonding: Lingual Bezier wires w/o step added as type “Lingual-Flex”
- #3421 Export 3D: Oprimn watertight conversion added
- #3423 Number sessions incresed to 7 by adding session ‘User 1’ and ‘User 2’
- #3424 Segmentation: Restarting segmentation and reloading completed data enabled
- #3427 Report/Container status marked by icon
- #3433 French translation 2D Data” und “3D Data” adjusted
- #3436 Performance distance measurments increased
- #3437 V.T.O.3D: Bug in comparison 2D analyses fixed
- #3438 OnyxAdmin: Added to installation 3.2
- #3442 Segmentation: Tooth width options deactivated/standardized
- #3443 Image Import: Default thumbnail setting for galleries deactivated
- #3446 V.T.O 3D: Mandible movement option reviewed
- #3449 Sender-Logo option activated in Container window
- #3450 Icons for harmony box and facial growth pattern in 2D Data preview window reactivated
- #3451 FTP Upload/Download changed
- #3453 Defect gallery templaets corrected while reloaded